5 Life-Improving Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

5 Life-Improving Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Unfortunately, poorly designed and executed studies at the turn of this century unnecessarily frightened millions of women and their doctors away from hormone replacement therapy (HRT). That’s millions of women who could’ve enjoyed the life-improving benefits of more balanced hormones before, during, and after menopause.

In follow-up analyses in 2020, researchers found that the benefits of BHRT far outweigh any potential risks. This finding held both in women who’d undergone menopause in the last 10 years, as well as those who were over age 60. 

Because today’s HRT is bioidentical, your body accepts it as easily as it accepts your own hormones. Earlier types of HRT were synthesized from mare’s urine, which is structurally different than human hormones. BHRT is synthesized from yams and other plants and is structured identically to human hormone molecules. 

Whether you’ve suffered the classic symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats, or not, balancing your hormones with BHRT brings both physical and mental advantages.

Our team at Mian OB/GYN & Associates in Silver Spring, Maryland, recommend BHRT for women who have symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, or aging that interfere with their quality of life. 

Do you want the benefits of BHRT? The following are five of them.

1. Better sleep

Your hormones regulate most of the systems of your body, including how your brain functions. During perimenopause and menopause, you may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. You may also wake up before you feel fully rested. All of these are instances of insomnia.

With balanced hormones, your circadian cycle is better regulated so that you produce the hormones you need, such as melatonin, to fall asleep and stay asleep. In addition, your inner thermostat is stabilized. That means no more night sweats that wake you up, soaked in wet nightclothes and sheets.

2. Better mood

Anxiety, depression, and irritability are all symptoms of unbalanced hormones. Once your HRT takes effect, you notice that you feel more grounded and more resilient.

You’re less likely to take offense or anger easily. If you’ve experienced bouts of crying, they should subside. Both anxiety and depression are eased. When you’re less anxious, you’re better able to cope with life’s challenges. You’re also more likely to sleep well and deeply.

3. More energy and focus

Fatigue and brain fog are two symptoms that often go hand in hand with perimenopause and menopause. Balanced hormones help your brain regulate neurotransmitters that allow you to think quickly and clearly.

Your metabolism also speeds up, which makes you feel more vital. The extra energy also helps you burn fat and build muscle, too.

4. Stronger skin, hair, and muscles

Bioidentical HRT provides your body with the hormones it had in youth, which it used to keep your skin and muscles strong and resilient. When you lose estrogen, your skin and muscles begin to degrade. That’s why your skin sags and wrinkles, and why your scalp hair falls out.

With BHRT, these symptoms reverse. Estrogen helps you to rebuild your muscles and skin, including the skin that lines your hair follicles. Stronger follicles help you regrow your hair and retain it longer, too.

5. Less bone loss

Even if you never suffered from hot flashes, insomnia, or brain fog, your bones need estrogen. Postmenopausal women are at greater risk for osteoporosis, which is a dangerous loss of bone mass. Osteoporosis increases your risk for serious and even fatal fractures, such as hip fractures.

Reclaim your hormones, your youth, and your vitality with BHRT. Contact us via phone or online form for BHRT today.

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