Pap Smear Specialist

Mian OB/GYN & Associates

Rafiq Mian, MD

OB/GYN located in Silver Spring, MD

A Pap smear is an essential component of women's health for most people. Dr. Rafiq Mian at Mian OB/GYN & Associates: Rafiq Mian in Silver Spring, Maryland, performs Pap smears as part of an overall well-woman plan, and he is ready to help patients with any abnormal results.

Pap Smear Q & A

When Should a Woman Start Having Pap Smear Tests?

It is generally recommended that women begin having Pap smears by the age of 21. If women have a normal Pap smear, they will usually not need to have another Pap smear for 3 to 5 years, depending on their age.

Is a Pap Smear the Same Thing as a Well-Woman Checkup?

No, a Pap smear is just one component of a well-woman checkup, although not every well-woman checkup will include a Pap smear. The well-woman checkup is a chance for the doctor to evaluate the overall physical health of the patient, in particular, her reproductive health.

What Is the Pap Smear Process Like?

A patient having a Pap smear lies in the pelvic exam position with her feet resting in stirrups. The doctor inserts a tool called a speculum into the vagina. The speculum gently stretches the opening part of the uterus, the cervix, so that it can be accessed. The cervix is then lightly scraped to obtain a small sample of cells. After that, the Pap smear is complete! Most people don't experience pain during a Pap smear, although there may be some minor discomfort. The test, however, will be over very quickly.

What Does a Pap Smear Test For?

A Pap smear checks for irregular cellular activity in the cervix. There are certain indicators that may reveal the presence of HPV in the cervical cells, so if these are recognized, the patient may need further testing, including a biopsy. If the patient wishes, STD tests, and pregnancy tests can also be performed along with the Pap smear.

Do Pap Smears Have Side Effects?

Generally, a Pap smear causes no notable side effects. At most, women may experience some minor cramping and spotting for an hour or two after the Pap smear.


We accept several insurance plans from many different providers. If you do not see your provider listed here, please give us a call and we will let you know if you are covered.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Maryland Physicians Care
Maryland Universirty
MEDSTAR Health Insurance
Priority Partners
United Healthcare